But in the meantime here's a lady with awkward composition. I don't think she minds. Except she's lacking one of her eyes.
I think I unintentionally made her look a bit more like some of the female members of my immediate family than she oughta.

Full time mother to small child, good at drawing, doing what she can
That is fucking amazing.
I mean that in the most gentlemanly way possible.
You reckon? I didn't like it as much as the previous one.
Looking at it now, her face is a bit too tonally even. But like I said, it was an awkward composition, so rather than grappling with it endlessly, I just let the poor lass have a big flat head.
That sure is purdy!
It may be the best singular booby I have painted.
which immediate female family members do you mean exactly? i like it. can see abit of mother.
Well maybe a bit of Ma and a bit of me and a tiny bit of you but probably a bit less, like 48% less.
Ta love.
And more in the face than in the bosums.
Found this accidentally and really love your work. I'm glad I stopped by.
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