So. . . Just found your blog and I have to say that I think it is freakin fantastic. Your work is beautiful and has so much personality, truly different than anything I've seen lately. And you're pretty funny too. :)
Here is a humble offering of pictures and punchy wordlets. I am a mother of one little girl. There is no more wordlumber, no more sitting on the hill contemplating, a lot more stepping on lego. I still think I'm quite good at drawing though
Gang Members as Models
Gang members may look intimidating, but if you catch them in public places,
they make great models.
*Two Young Gang Members, *published in *The Artist's G...
Animal Farm
Here's a tantalizing prospect: imagine Orwell's 'Animal Farm' illustrated
by Searle... he never did it of course but a second-hand bookseller turned
up t...
A Fresh Look: Vermeer’s Girl with a Pearl Earring
Hopefully — even if only for a moment — you got to see in the top two
images Vermeer’s iconic painting with fresh eyes. The images are reversed
left to rig...
I've created an account to post artwork on blue sky social, but there are
already some fake accounts there, so this post is so you can know it's the
Stripper's Guide is Moving!
Those of you with a long memory might remember an announcement back in
April 2022 that I was working on a new website for Stripper's Guide. Over
two yea...
Quick soft pastel nude studies
The point of these studies is doing them as quickly and spontaneously as
possible, avoiding over thinking and over analyzing, just observing.
5x8 inches p...
What Should You Know about Lentils?
Lentils are small, disk-shaped legumes commonly used in cooking. They are a
staple food in many cultures and are known for their high protein and fiber
Every Moment Counts
The right brain says every moment counts. The left brain answers, but some
moments count more than others. The right brain retorts Every Moment
Counts. Is...
Portrait of Mariana
This is a portrait I did of Mariana - Commissioned by her grandfather.
Doing this painting was great because I had to work with elements that
inspire me...
Crouching and Screaming
Wonderful 1978 illustrations by Outi Markkanen (Finland, b.1951) on Kuriosas.
Visit the link for many more illustrations from *Kurnau ja Kamaluu*.
Cara Menciptakan Es Shanghai Bandung Spesial
Ingin *membuat minuman dingin* yang lezat dan seger dengan rasa yang
spesial. Mungkin *Es shanghai Bandung spesial* ini dapat anda coba. Selain
lezat dan ...
Hanna Barbera Title Cards
So I’ve decided to start posting on this blog again, at least
semi-regularly for now. I’m going to start up again by sharing screenshots
of some great titl...
New Kali Kazoo Album On Kickstarter!
A rare occurrence! Thought I should share my current kickstarter campaign
to make a professionally produced third album! Going to work with producer
Toshi ...
Have you seen the latest Juno pictures of Jupiter's red spot? This one
(above) was taken July 11 from less than 10,000 kilometers away. The origin
of the...
Pt. Reyes workshop this weekend, May 19-21
I've got spots available in this weekend's workshop out at the Historic
Lifeboat Station in Pt. Reyes. I do have a workshop page on this blog, but
not sure...
Some Shameless Self Promotion
Sometimes people ask me if I'll ever write a book about storyboarding. I
would never want to do that...I enjoy sharing what little I know for free,
and I'v...
Are you out there?
Hi gang!
I'm considering a commitment to frequent posting again.
If you're interested - please comment. I love your feedback and much as I
love hand draw...
*Hello again readers. This one exhibits a romantic sensibility.*
*Poem: RAPT*
I am rapt
Preening and wanting
Asleep to the old woods
Where some...
*2016 Workshop. 3 months of drawing and painting in Bruge, Belgium!!!!*
I will be teaching a 3 month atelier workshop in the beautiful city of
Bruge, Belg...
An old friend and colleague, Eric Tan, commissioned me for a picture of his
beloved cat Ramona as a gift to his wife Stacey!
It was fun to capture the per...
Humble Heather
*Early 19th century hand-coloured *
*engravings of heath flowers*
The vast majority of the 860+ species in the genus Erica (heaths/heather)
are endemic t...
Ill be joining CGMA again this year for a new 8 week course for their
character design program. New demos and lectures this spring. visit
32.5" x 17" High quality print ( printed by ashley wood )
Shipping worldwide is included in the price
75 editions
Available from my sto...
New Video: Drawing and Painting
Hi Everyone! Here is a preview of my new video. This in-depth
instructional video delves deep into the artistic process with several new
drawing and paint...
A summary
I had been reading Schuon again, which is a disturbing read for most
anyone, at least most anyone who can even begin to understand it. It is a
good thing h...
Remembering 9-11
In honor of those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001, their friends
and family, those nearby that were traumatized, and the brave men, women,
Miyazaki Rises
It's been five long years, but Hayao Miyazaki finally has a new feature
coming out (for the record, I *loved* Ponyo). "The Wind Rises," a World War
II era...
Sketchbook by Oscar Martin
Beautiful book, chock full of amazing finished and preliminary drawings as
well as never before seen roughs from one of the ...
Game of Thrones, Downton Abbey, and Strip Search
Yeesh, I'm seriously terrible about updating this blog. Lately I've just
had a lot to do, which means not much time for drawing personal stuff.
She-Rawk! "And so it begins..." Ep Debut
Hello Blog-Universe, I'm back! Well... sort of.
Life has been crazy these past two years with many ups and downs the
biggest being the passing of my swee...
Here's my Brave fan art!
...Okay so I have been posting daily on my tumblr and I'm not totally sure
what to do with poor lil bloggy over here who is jus...
Let's be honest here, I have always been HORRIFIC at posting! Sometimes, I
wouldn't post for like, 8 months. HOWEVER, I have finally absolutely
mastered th...
We're moving
The Google AdSense Team has sent me an email warning me that this blog has
pornography and/or adult content. As an example, they referred me to the 1932
The Nutty Professor (USA, 1963)
There are those who detest Jerry Lewis. I cannot empathise with them
because I can no more understand them than I can those who disparage
Charlie Chaplin...
[image: KittyLand]
*Meow!* Here's the last piece from the brief cat-themed series of artwork.
This one was inspired by the amazing Katie Rice (who's celebrat...
What a sweet face! They change so quickly at this age :)
So. . . Just found your blog and I have to say that I think it is freakin fantastic. Your work is beautiful and has so much personality, truly different than anything I've seen lately. And you're pretty funny too. :)
Aw, thank you Crystal Cook! And just so nice to get blog comments at all these days, let alone ones as nice as that!
Thanks Julie! I don't seem to spend o much time drawing her from life now, she is more mobile, but I should so it while she's asleep or something.
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