I drew Bob from life while he was watching Mythbusters or some old man programme. No! Actually it was a repeat of Small Talk with Ronnie Corbett.

Here's Bob being willowy with a more protuberent schnozz.

Bob likes colour coordinating his bike shoes with his bikes. (A cat trod on this one with its mud paws of doom.)

cat's paws make wonderful brushes.
God, Ronnie Corbett. That short little bugger's been on the telly for quite a spell; before both of our times.
Did you know that Eric Idle got his start writing bits for he and Ronnie Barker ( "The Two Ronnies" ) on the Frost Report back in the early sixties?
Man. Also, your sketches are great. I also, being a cat person, loved the cat drawings.
Keep it up!
- trevor.
Thanks, Trevor!
There are more kitties to come.
Really fabulous drawings, Chloe..And I mean it in the true sense of thje words and not in the traditional bullshit sense of bloggin' commentaries!!
How is the weather in Dorset today?..It is cloudy here in London W 5. All the best.
Hello Oscar! It is windy and rainy. It's in a right old tizzy. We live in a remote little windy rainy spot near the sea.
I'm not sure what Joyce would make of being use as a brush.
I am tired, forgive my grammatical transgressions.
Did you know today is William S. Burroughs' birthday?
- trevor.
I like your drawings.
the second one is pretty pensive. nice work :)
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