Deviantart has a feature where if you 'browse' a gallery and then arrange the items by popularity, I can get a sort of a hit parade of my most popular images according to how many views and favourites and comments they've got. I'm sorta fascinated by which of my pictures end up where in popularity. I never quite would have predicted they would end up in the order they're in. Maybe the Deviantart crowd are a very specific demographic.
Here's the chart rundown from 5 to 1. (Click on the images to get the the corresponding deviantart page including comments.)
5. Gypsy Chaos Goat

-I put up this one and the other goat, and I really always thought the other one 'Softie Goat' was better. But this has only been up for a week and it's already top 5. Maybe it's more rough and rugged than the other one. Or has a more sexy title. It has computer game mage hijinks or something appealing the the WoW addicts of the world.
4.Three Teenage Moons

- I kind of understand why this is top 5. It has detail and it's all emotional and soft and warm.
3. Empathetic Minotaur

- This old chestnut... this is always popular on the internet. The original was tiny. I must have hit on something good with chaotic mix of delicate little mediums. The original was tiny. But the internet isn't fully cognizant of that.
2. Kids in the Forest

- I would not have expected this to be number 2. It must be the cuteness of the theme or the multiracial niceness or something. It's all vague, like some of my stuff of that era was, and quite primitive in its shapes. It was from an obscure movie photo or lobby card or something.
1. (By some distance): Orton Flair Three

- And it's funny because it's not mainly wrestling fans who like it. It's people who don't know who they are. But comments say things like 'moving' . I can't quite put myself in their shoes and see what they see. It is the third version of this image I did, and it's the closest of all my images to straight 'fan art'. I never really thought of it as part of the main flow of my oeuvre. No way! I think in the end a hardwired conservative part of people likes convincing heads and likenesses, but also pretty people and simple things.
The whole of the top twenty on Deviantart are all paintings. You have to go to 21 to get the first drawing. People like colour. It's more real to them or something. My favourite way out drawings tend to be less popular. Or maybe people just don't know what to say about them. Maybe they're less comfortable and more radical in a good way.
I like what you said on Eddies blog!
'specific demographic'
Yes. Yes it is...
I was ambivalent about getting on DA... because of... those doubts about the demographic, in part... but the format is fun with all the comments and the favourites and the comments and the favourites.
Mark me down for Empathetic Minotaur, but I like most of them for one reason or another. My e- mail is on my Website.
OK William, noted.
I can't believe none of the ones I own made it into the top five. Some of the ones I own should make it into the Top Fives Things Ever.
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