Can you decipher my little 'composition sketches'? I suspect they're effectively in a secret shorthand drawing code that only I can read:

Look at all the little bits of pencil detritus... but eventually they will re congeal into paintings look atable by human beans.

imbecile babycats:

Who's this handsome devil? Why it's the Heart Break Kid, Shawn Michaels.

Oh and before I forget... I've listed a couple more paintings on ebay. The 'plush brush mush' lady from this blog last month, and an old weird student years one with a big mopey Sarah Michelle Gellar face and a little gnome woman with a club. Things were... different then.
or, you could have a squizz at all my auctions!.
I should be going to Hampshire tomorrow to meet a young chap who's made a film about wrestling. I might be doing some artwork for that.
And my sister Hannah has a new website for her illustration work... She's doing nicely!
Bye bye!
I love seeing your work evolve from semi-comprehensible sketches to paintings that speak to one and all, and I think it's very brave of you to share so many working drawings with the interweb. Also, you should soon be an eBay idol.
Because my 'working drawings' are bollocks! But thank you. Am I a brave girl? Hmmm... people used to say to me I was brave for being ill when I was a girl. But I didn't have much choice about that.
I don't think there's much chance of anyone ripping off my fabulous designs and concepts based on this post. So maybe the 'code' is an advantage in this gnome eat gnome world of ours.
I like trying to decipher your code. I'll admit I don't necessarily have much success, but I love the flow of your lines, and when you bring color in, Wow!
I'll be fascinated to see what emerges from these sketches (assuming you share, of course!).
And your sister's site is awesome, too. Has she ever been featured on Drawn!? If not, she should be.
Hi Julie,
Yes I will share what comes out of them. It wouldn't seem right to leave it suspended at the crappy stage.
Thank you.
I completely disagree that the sketches and working drawings are the "crappy stage" - I always look forward to the secret short-hand drawing code 'compositional sketches' in your posts.
They are undiluted, raw expressions of energy and creativity. They're glimpses into an artist's mind at work. The way we think isn't often clean and comprehensible, and the sketches perfectly capture that.
Hi Marc... thank you. yes, I'm probably coming across excessively self-critical. Maybe I'm just naturally impatient to see things come to fruition, so I don't want to glorify the traces of my journey too much.
haha - yeah, I understand the impatience.
I just would hate to see you decide to stop posting development sketches!
I couldn't your code- does that mean I'm an illiterate artist? I hope not!
Your amazing with pictures!!
So you should illustrate a damn children's book already with your living, acting creatures a'yours. They always look like they're conveying something so effortlessly.
What marvellous creatures you have in there.
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