I didn't initially mean it to be weird. I am just trying to find ways round babies. This was my first try. It's based on a picture of Bob in the bath as a baby but it doesn't look like him any more. It didn't matter too much though, I was trying out new paper and a new approach to combining materials. By repeating the process and taking notes I might end up with a more confident approach that is either sellable or showoffy. One of the major hazards with drawing babies is ending up with something creepy or ghoulish.

Beatifull, he seems to enjoy his bath.
It doesn't seem creepy or ghoulish. I like the rounded curves of the shoulders and the top of the head. The face looks good, too - all it needs is some well placed ears. For this picture, ears could make a big difference either between creepy or adorable.
there's a haunting quality about it, but it's still pretty cute in a strange alien human hybrid baby kind of way. ;) lol... seriously, it's very cool. btw, i find drawing babies a tricky thing when i do live performance caricatures; they have very few distinct features other than the generic chubby cheeks, big round head,... and most times they're void of eyebrows,... it's frustrating i tellya! ;) lol
Thanks Greg. Yes babies are hard to get likenesses with, but I think that's a reason to enjoy the challenge. I want to have something where I don't master it straight away but with repeated efforts I suspect I could.
Hi Julie, he sort of has ears but maybe they've gone a bit fuzzy.
Sometimes I feel I'm ploughing an awkward furrow between cartoon weirdness and fuzzy realism. Other times I feel if I balanced those elements just right, I could hit on what I'm looking for. Caught between two contradictory purposes, or synthesising something special?
I think I go way fuzzy because I'm not feeling much like sharp edges.
I don't feel much like sharp edges at the moment, either.
On second look, I do see that the ears are there, just indistinct. Re. the purposes, I'd guess more along the lines of synthesizing something special between seemingly contradictory elements, but that's just me...
The ears are willfully in the 'wrong' place, that's one of the more perverse things about it.
Increasingly an uncompromisingly robust foundation with a soft varied surface feels like the thing I want in pictures. Like... a mammal.
Oh I just checked over at your blog Julie, congratulations! How lovely.
Wow this is amazing and so realistic!
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