The big sister one was more assymmetric in the face. This one has a different palette. Which one do you like better, comment friends?
Incidentally, the way those little amazon links work is that if you buy something on amazon after getting there through my link, I get a little bit of the money, even if you don't buy the things I've displayed. Hey that Randy Orton figure isn't even available! I just like the the cut of his little jib, dammit.
I think I like this one better. The face looks happy and actually rather pretty to me, and I think the colors are very flattering - she looks more vital. For some reason, in the first one the yellow of the background gave an ominous tone, like a cloud of crackly danger around her. This one just looks sweet and happy, and she makes me smile.
Of course, that's all just opinion; they're both good paintings, and I'm not sure how you feel about her. Perhaps she does represent an element of danger, in which case the first painting is a better example.
Thanks for sharing!
Hi Julie...
Yes, this one is definitely prettier. She might be more straightforward.
I only wondered if her face might be a little bit doll-like, hence less vital...
But when I posted her I thought that maybe the first one was better because it's more... maybe serpentine, wriggly, physical and less obvious. But maybe obviousness is a virtue. And the things that I allowed to impede the obvious charms were unnecessary...?
I'm not sure whether obviousness is a virtue (I did read your post on your other blog about obviousness, but wanted to chew it over before saying anything, and then I forgot until just now). I think maybe it's more a question of what works for the image, and of what you the artist are trying to communicate. Sometimes subtle is better. Other times, obviousness can be more effective.
In this case, if you were trying to portray her as being pretty and/ or happy, taking joy in disrobing for someone while feeling comfortable in her skin, then the second one is more effective, and to me she seems more alive. If, instead, you were going for more of a succubus-type of character, the first was more effective (in my opinion - as always with art, other people may see it very differently - actually, now that I think of it the second one is far more open to interpretation, which can sometimes be more interesting..).
The expression in the face of the first one actually reminds me of a picture someone took of me once - I was talking and trying to figure something out, and in the split second he took the picture my face was very oddly scrunched, snarly-lipped and beetle-browed. In the next moment, I was smiling and looked myself; the difference between the two was very much like your two paintings.
nice textures and colors!
Thanks, Rex!
And thank you Julie...
Well... I say things like 'is obviousness a virtue' perhaps without any intention of answering such questions anywhere except in the pictures themselves.
I feel a fraud for writing a lot of words because my words are just an indulgent sort of compass to push my pictures in the right direction.
Two paintings like these come out different because the thinking within the painting evolves differently, more than because my intent for her expression etc is really focused from the beginning. I'm really just winging it (man).
In fact that's part of the magic, I always know the second time I do the 'same' image it will come out different, often better. I suspect (but don't know) it's something to do with getting intimate with the language of the shapes, or something...
That's not to say I advocate no planning or design. But this is a balance I'm looking to strike, between intuitive grapplings and cool collected design focus.
But as for the lady taking joy in disrobing.. yes I chose the image because there was a sort of innocence about it. So there are things that I saw in the original, but also things I might have infused it with.
Gosh what a lot of words about such a little painting!
Oh and it's quite early in the morning. Sorry if my brain is not in gear.
Ah, we may think she's pretty, but I still got a 'she looks like Chucky' on myspace. Ah well, it had to happen eventually.
Chucky?! That's pretty funny :)
Actually, I'm totally with you on the "just winging it" bit; that's usually how I work, too.
In the watercolor class I took this spring, the instructor did an exercise where he'd do a little postcard-size painting in ten minutes, three times. Almost always, the second painting comes out the best but the third falls apart. I don't know why that is, though.
Hi chloe
Definitely this one
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