
Empurpled cats.

a griffin from a church

Experiments in Texas Tornado

Warrior doing his thing.

Hmmm. it's nice to wind down after work.

I won't have a normal job soon

I'll be a full time perverse cult weird artling

So if you ever get the urge to buy one of these, let me know.

maybe not that one
But I plan to be putting some nicely presented new things up on Etsy too. I have handmade paper and I am not afraid to use it.

Haha, I love all the Pixie and Dixies! Jeez you found a great style, I am in awe every time!
They were my winding down after anal study. Not, study of their anuses... you know what I mean.
Thank you, style still feels elusive to me.
I didn't really bother drawing the waistcoat much on the one that has a waistcoat. Though I will confess these are not scientifically precise studies.
man I love the Ultimate Warrior, that dude was the best!
I love how you draw men. These all look crazy and cool!
About style- I think (usually) the people who don't think about style and just draw because they like to end up being the ones with the most unique ways of drawing (you). People should worry less about style and just draw. Those who think too much about it are more likely to copy other people, rather than develop their own thing. It's not always the case, but I have seen it.
Again, beautiful drawings, I love when you post new stuff!
Really fun drawings, Chloe! I especially like the Kerry Von Erich piece. I'm always amazed by how you can create the illusion of mass with so few lines.
And thanks for stopping by my blog. I admit, I don't watch wrestling anymore either. I have to rely on calling old friends and colleagues in order to get the latest news, rumors and storylines for my cartoons. You'd think Vince would realize the show has become rubbish when former wrestlers won't even watch.
Looooooooove these!
Especially THIS INKY GEM.
Hi Katie
I think I agree with you about style, so I don't know what to think when people comment on mine. I know I just try to make my drawings look not rubbish, by whatever means. Sometimes I will consciously try to take on an influence, mostly in order to prevent stale habits kicking in, to prevent things from becoming blobby and formless. I mean obviously, you gotta study, but I study so many different things I don't know how I end up with a style, I guess I can only see it in the fundamental energy and shapes of the lines, the type of the humour and the general sensibility; the things a person apparently has little control over.
Well, that was long and confusing, it's early.
Hi Marc! Yes I kind of liked that one too. Perhaps not because it's 'good' as such.
Hello Lash,
It's a great shame about WWE. Reassuring you aren't watching it either. I peeked at the website, and not a lot seems to have changed for the past five years. Apart from some deaths. So many young things they gave loads of time and stupid ideas to then just fired them. Nothing is iconic any more. Now they sacked Mr. Kennedy which seems strange.
An etsy shop would be nice! I'd like to own something you made...
You are so cool.
Especially liked the Pixie/and Dixie ones too. They
have a lot of emotional/psychological subtlities. Like the one that's showing off their nipples... and is proud of it! Go mammals!
I suppose nipples feature quite prominently this week.
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