I am going away, my Gran died earlier this week and her funeral is on Friday. Perhaps I will write or draw something about her.
It's a shame I didn't have something better than the scribble lions to leave you with. I will I hope be getting a full time job before long, the times call for it, but will do what I can to keep arting.
thanks for looking at my silly old blog,
Gang Members as Models
Gang members may look intimidating, but if you catch them in public places,
they make great models.
*Two Young Gang Members, *published in *The Artist's G...
11 hours ago
Chloe, I'm so sorry to hear about your Gran. For what it's worth, you and your family will be in my prayers.
Oh, thank you Julie. Maybe I will say more abut it afterwards... I'm not sure how good my words will be just now. It is nice to get a comment. x
You're work is beautiful and it just gets more interesting to look at. Please, please keep posting.
I'm very sorry about your gran...you should do a little drawing or something. It helps work out just about anything.
Thank you Matt for your comment.. it means a lot when people say they like looking at my pictures. Especially pros. But especially anyone.
Hi C.
I hope everything is OK, these days I'm terribly worried about my own grandparents. Being 2000 miles away there's no way I could get back to see them if anything happened.
I know that it's only natural that I'm getting to an age where I have to expect my elderly relatives to pass away, but that doesn't make it any easier. I don't want them to go!
Anyway, good luck with the world of work, these days I'm so used to working full time I can't imagine what it'd be like not to spend all my time doing someone else's bidding. But there's still time for art, these days I wake up 2 hours early every day to do some before I have to start work. Although I only make stupid robots... Don't give up hope, you've got a real talent.
I'm so sorry for your loss, Chlo. Were you very close to your Gran?
We're about to lose a senior over here, and it's so painful. Some days she can't even get out of bed, poor thing. Too weak.
Do what they would want, I say: enjoy life, go outside and thank the universe for your time with her.
- trevor.
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