Well, the possibility, probability even, has cropped up that some of the wrestlers I draw will see the drawings and paintings I've done. Within reason. They'll see them because Mick Foley is my friend now. Which made me think that I ought to do a blog entry called 'John Cena is a handsome and talented man' with pictures to match that sentiment.
But it didn't quite work. At least not this time.

Then I thought about totemic booby monkeys.

This is sort of a remake of one of the earlier primitive images from this blog. One day I will be able to make things be cute.

And I'm not quite ready to do a blog without a picture of Stephen in it. Stephen and Bob the day a dog chased Stephen up a tree this spring.

You could draw wrestlers with big testicles. I'm sure they'd find that quite flattering, what with the steroids making their real life man baubles the size and texture of fossilised raisins.
I have considered it, anonymous. It is my observations that most wrestlers are quite preoccupied with the genitals of other wrestlers.
Yes! Observations plural. I had more than one. Observation not wrestler.
I think I need to get out my airbrush or my chalky pastels to start getting flattering in earnest. Soft gooey purple blue eyes and stuff. I haven't coloured anything in for ages.
I have been drinking Baileys Irish cream
Do you know what happened to Timothy Tien? He seems to have disappeared? :(
Amazing Style, I like it.
your so good!!
I took the top set of sketches and made a very rough massed color comp. Might be an idea for how you could approach turning some of these pages into paintings. E- mail me if your intrested.
Hello William
Golly... I think I might do that. Interesting.
Im so glad I found your blog, i love the way in which you're capturing character without losing that organic style of line which i expect must be very hard to caricature in.
keeps up the beatiful work, im creating a chloe cummings folder as i type..
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