Pretty photoshoot photoshop Britney is a different creature to out on the town wig buying smudgy eyeliner sad trashy Britney. But she can still be interesting. It's like trying to capture the creature that they were aiming for, rather than a whole person.

But she has seemed more like a real person in recent times, if a somewhat messed up one.

I never want to be cruel in my drawings, just honest about what I see, or inventive with the things I can see.
It's hard not to give caricatured Britney huge eyes and a wide head to accomodate how far apart they are.

I used to draw britney back in '99, next to Pikachu. Now she likes to go to strip clubs and have people take pictures of her bottom.

She still scrubs up well.

Drawing her now is like drawing an elusive sort of emptiness. I hope she'll be alright in the end.

You are great caricaturist. But I think the best caricatures of people happen by default, when a larger point is felt or being made. Like these drawings of yours here. The craft of caricature as a tool in your bag of skills enters into the work in subordination to the larger goal, woven through in subtle ways like a secret ingredient in your pot of chili.
Wow Scott, what a great comment. Thank you.
I feel like I use caricature to get somewhere else, or something.
But I haven't quite gone there yet.
Actually I'm not sure these count as caricatures. Or they would be more extreme and stuff. Or they would be if that was what I was aiming for. I was just aiming to draw something of Britney really. My goal was drawings that ain't boring.
NB did anyone spot the stray Randy Orton? This time he was skittering about like a spidercrab. Or indeed, a crabspider. And he had a wide head too.
That's why the word 'skittering' was in the labels.
You need to click on the image to see the full version with all of him in.
Yes - my name is Igglepiggle.
Igglepiggle, Wiggle, Niggle, Diggle!
Yes - my name is Igglepiggle.
Igglepiggle, Wiggle, Niggle, Woo!
I like In the Night Garden.
I like your drawings of Britney; the lines are lovely. I actually feel very sorry for her. She's the kind of girl who should have had a nice, normal, small town non-famous life, and I bet she would have been just fine. Instead, she's had nothing normal and she's rather a disaster.
Thanks, Julie. I don't think anyone's built to be that famous. I don't really dig drawing celebrities for its own sake... unless I feel like there's something there to find.
I like these drawings - I thought Britney was great when she first appeared on the scene with "Hit Me Baby One More Time". But she's had a pretty rough ride since then - I wish the media would stop focusing on all her misery.
These are awesome. Very nice line work.
Thank you Mike!
These are simply amazing, like everything else you draw. The one under her showing off her bum is great. It's the picture of misery, which she seems to be these days.
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