I had a notion that I wanted to do a series of works based on Knightmare, eventually some quite moody watercolours. I don't know if they'd be fan art as such. They sort of are in spirit but it's obscure enough for me to not expect most people to get the references. I just hope to be able to use some of the atmosphere, awkwardness and creepiness to make some nice pictures that have a coherence together. I need to do something technicolour, and something with consistence. I may also attempt some landscapes with similar atmosphere.
Also lately I've gone a bit mental with red col-erase pencils and animation paper.

little self-portrait next

Notions for future blogs that would scratch itches:
Some topless boymen (I've missed them)
Boys of Twilight with their drawn on abs
early Take That
smalltime cage fighters
Drawings of Queen (I'm rather familiar with their shapes from formative years, and I would love to get my hands on Freddie's teeth)
Birds of New Zealand in technicolour
All these things somehow combined in technicolour