I return, rubbishly, to clouded leopards. Remember my
last leopard phase?

Now, perhaps a 'natural' part of me wants to draw fairly solid 'real' leopards, just with subtle grunewald twists, supple subtle and elegant.
But I'm fighting with myself to make something simpler. Whether I can make anything simpler that has any point to it, is funny, or inventive, or joyful, or the basis for something else, I don't know.
Remember Cenapards? I quite liked them the first time.

I often feel like my drawing is a very private experiment. I don't always come up with results that have that perfect alchemy that I'd want all my drawings to have, but sometimes I'm sufficiently interested by the results to blog them anyway... I probably shouldn't. I should probably only blog 100% safe completed masterpieces once every six years.

Perhaps with some of these I'm fighting to put some things together that haven't quite come together, but they will eventually.

However it shouldn't always have to be a struggle, so maybe I should embed myself in a comfort zone next time.

Though there is a little bit of trying to figure out the essence of the leopard attraction here.