Verrry messy doodles of Wilfred and Kali. She did a birthday picture for me, so I did one for her.

And real Wilfred... a special find/influence (eventually)... feeding the birds some brown slop.

Full time mother to small child, good at drawing, doing what she can
Taken out of context, that last cartoon is simultaneously funny, poignant and deeply troubling.
I like your Wilfreds, though, especially the ears.
It's from 1929... poor Squeak the motherly penguin. I love their long bodies. Long bodies yet cute heads.
I feel so awesome to have been drawn by you! I love your analytical studies- they're so fun to look at- thank you again!
Thank you Kali...!
My analytical studies are annoying me a bit, they're messy and constipated. I need to outblossom, if that's a word, which it is not.
and thanks for putting my drawing up on your super popular blog.
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