Here are some drawings from lately.
I've looked at Dusty Rhodes a little bit.

Then I got a new double ended marker pen so I looked at him with that.

When Dusty was young, he posed 'neath a cloud of graphite

I secretly study cartoons in the hope that one day I'll lighten up and be a cartoonist. Here is a lion jumping o'er the heads of Dusty and malteser headed blando Bobby Lashley.

Dusty has a little man son called Cody.

Cody had an encounter with Big Randy.

Really Randy was an elf druid and Cody was a little demon lord with flames coming out of his collar. Dusty was a sad elephant.
Or it might be just that I'd been playing the game Heroes of Might and Magic V too much.
The drawing is oddly dry and deadpan considering its deranged origins. My secret goal is to do juicy drawings.

And finally... well hello boys.