I wrestled with this, but I decided to still draw wrestling wrestlers wrestling other wrestlers, a little bit, on the quiet. Wrestling is a harsh mistress indeed.
Monkeywig butterman with pointing:
Hand squelchy.
Cube jaw fascination.
Ladymonkeys minimalism.
Duckmonkeys. Monkeyducks.
Rubbish bird hat & restless eyelashes.
Puffin topped cheekbone miscreant plus Buddy Holly glasses.
John Cena with foldy mouth.
Wistful little look with cup eyes.
'Don't wear a tank top if you have hairy armpits.'
- Randy Orton.
Sometimes I draw all carefully, like this.
Review: The Pastel Society 126th Annual Exhibition (2025)
*I recommend you go and see the 126th Annual Exhibition of The Pastel
Society. It opened at the Mall Galleries **last week **and is on for
another two we...
2 days ago
wow nice blog very nice style, great work
I never feel like I have a style.
yes, wacky! lot of talent in here...
I have waited three years for this blog. You know why. :)
Oh, and I am Scott. Not anonymous.
Wow, Chloe! You DO have a style...and it keeps getting better!
I love the paintings in your previous post as well!
Wow, great art on this blog. Very creative and stylized art work! Full of life!
Oh thanks Shawn!
That's the nicest thing anyone's said to me in the last four days!
Style... hmm. There's a can of worms.
Well now Scott old bean...
My plan had actually been to work more quietly for a longer time on some ultimate buddy holly angel wings fantasy Randy pictures and really perfect my vision, but then he was a bad boy and the muse was fickle.
So I posted what I got. But generally I think the wrestling drawings will continue as a kind of 'hobby'for pure poos and giggles while I really put some umph into my portraits and that.
These sketches blew my mind.
I like all your drawings. The second one from the top stands out to me as do many others, near the bottom. :) I hope your doing well!
I'm alright thanks Okapi.
It's nice when people say that my drawings blow their minds.
It makes me want to get better.
Yes I think wrestler or wrestler-incorporating drawing will be a 'hobby' at this point, but a rather serious and considered hobby too compared to what it has been. Less frequent but hopefully more better.
these are fantastic. thanks for posting them.
Wrestling and old people is a combination you've hit on that remains largely unexplored in fine art. The subject provides a broad arena and you got there first!
A real artist wow!
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