Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sunday piffles

Dirty kitty moon

Bad dirty kitty! Bad dirty Chloe!

Paul Gasgoigne


I still plan a bit of TNG drawing

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

We spent the night in Frisco, At every kind of disco

Today's Jacksons.

Strange days

Michael with chairs... Ruskin says you should always draw what's in the background.

This was originally Michael and Jermaine, but something weird happened with the eyebrows which has made it Tito and Tito. Or possibly Joe and Joe.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Blame it on the Boogie

These are the kinds of drawings I do all the time, barely more than a wandering pencil. But now I have more time again, I plan for my final products to maybe take more time than a blog post's worth every week... all the more reason to post 'thoughts' I guess.



And finally Yogis (See John K's blog: 'Chloe does HB')

Sunday, July 12, 2009

thought guffs of moderate promise

I found this ancient image of a man sort of wrestling two animals in a symmetrical composition. It came up more than once in Medieval times. I think about medieval art a lot.

I also tried to imagine what I myself would look like after having my hair redesigned. It turned out alright. But I did these first.

I have no proper energy draining low paid job now, if you have any suggestions about how I should spend my time profitably, let me know. I have my own ideas but I'm not sure if they are 100% good.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

I've got a brush pen.

I am very clumsy and unprofessional with it. But it is fun and I like fun. Despite my reputation.


Empurpled cats.

a griffin from a church

Experiments in Texas Tornado

Warrior doing his thing.

Hmmm. it's nice to wind down after work.

I won't have a normal job soon

I'll be a full time perverse cult weird artling

So if you ever get the urge to buy one of these, let me know.

maybe not that one

But I plan to be putting some nicely presented new things up on Etsy too. I have handmade paper and I am not afraid to use it.