Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Teenage Sketchbooks

These are NOT FROM RECENTLY. I did these approx eleven years ago, when I was stupid and uneducated. This is very important to remember. I don't see any... much of anything proper in any of these old drawings, but I do see interesting things in the potential or the ideas I was generating as a youth. Just had no guidance at all.

Preoccupations: I was fascinated by beanie babies briefly in 1998 when there started being magazines about them and some of them were selling for three thousand pounds.

But also Disney princesses and shop windows. I was quite, quite mad.

I wanted to reach out to cartoons, but I didn't know how! I'm still not exactly sure.

I used to make plasticene heads and then draw them from different angles. Bless.

I was curious about the attraction to the piggy eyes of Pitt.

Then I did this Star Wars project... WTF?

But the beanie babies hadn't gone away.

And then one time I did a painting with mushrooms.

I don't know... I look at some of my old drawings and they seem so lost and sad. But at the same time there's a lot of undirected enthusiasm, if that's a thing. My lines and my shapes left without teaching or proper information, were so boring and formless.

But it's so hard to keep hold of your ears and paws these days.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Intention Person Kitties

Drawing of falling cats with painting eventually in mind...

Sort of Dennis:

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A man with a spear will puncture your cultural fetishes

A silly bloggette of diary doodles... I smudged out the words, because the words in my diary are at once fascinating, incisive, scandalous and deeply embarrassing on many levels.

The doodles are flim flam, but you know, such is the way with many doodles. My doodles tend to be formless and girly.

I left some words in as a wicked tease, bet you're really curious now.

'A man with a spear will puncture your cultural fetishes'. That's what I wrote. I think it might have been an idea for a painting.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Sketches for a little commission I'm doing

Ladder Cat Squishmoon

I will post one peculiar item a day, until such a time as I decide not to.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

organic hip potato Chloe

A bit more like it... I kind of relaxed with Chloe and improvised jazzwise with her. It is good to be organic with things.

The photos these were from were in full sunlight, which makes for squinting and strong dark shadows, obviously.

Friday, September 05, 2008


Visions of Chloe...

Scooting back and forth between some degree of realism and whatever the opposite is... then pulling back to some comfortable place in the middle... but where's the golden zone of creative fecundity?

Oh dear.