Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Man Himself

I haven't really got around to the rest of the cast of He Man very much.

On account of being mainly concerned with the man himself.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Thinking Hard Hurts

When he man thinks, he makes wobbly lines.

One must plunder the wealth of wrestler bodies still.

It seems inevitable that my He Men aren't entirely sure what they're about.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Eternia looks nice in March

In March I have been specifically trying to finish four specific paintings. Apart from that I have tried to see if I can draw He Man and The Masters of the Universe in a way that makes some kind of sense within some kind of idiom of my own making.

With a bit of luck these goals will reap a darling little cluster of bloggalogs.

He's a tough nut to crack.

Yes, Joyce trod on that one.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Notes to Self

Truly other-worldly.

Seeing through things.

Mean it, mean it.