Thursday, September 27, 2007


This is a sort of warm-up experiment in portraiture. I did it in less than a day. I think I'd like to refine this way of painting a tad. 'Tis quite loud and vulgar.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Music Paintings

Here are some paintings that I painted, in different times.

This one I painted as a commission for the composer Christopher Rouse who liked my unfinished abstract looking paintings of Minotaurs.

This is the clumsy thick version of that.

Here's a frightened cow skull zombie lost in the garden.

Here's this painting of Jacob's ladder with Brian Wilson as the moon that I did four years ago.

I met Brian Wilson last Thursday night and showed him this painting and he held it in his hands. Well, Darian from his band showed it to him really on my behalf. it was more than I expected.

It sounds like I'm making that up but it did happen, honest.

This jpeg I composited together on photoshop and I think you can detect the joins a bit. It's slightly too big for the scanner.

Friday, September 14, 2007

The Glory of Bob

I'm going to paint a portrait of Bob. I have done some sketches to try and get a handle on his physique, his gait, his cranium giantism lumps, his unique body fat distribution and so on.

Bob has a concave chest which is quite hard to draw.

I know that these are mere sketches, and part of me wants to do right swanky pretty way out funny silly pictures for showing off on my blog, and getting some cartoony caricature wow amazingness pretty things fun fun fun til daddy takes the T-Bird away skills. But I'm going to paint Bob like a grownup so these were done specifically with that in mind.